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Employee Safety Committee
July 2nd, 2014
Newtown Municipal Center

In attendance: Carole Ross, Chairman, Bill Halstead, Shirley McCleary, Linda O’Masta of Rose and Kiernan, Joe Tani, Tom Pendergast.

Mrs. Ross opened the meeting at 10:00am.

Review of injury reports:       A review of the injury reports took place with 9 reported in the 2nd quarter.  This is an increase to the last few months.  2 of the claims are being investigated for compensability.    Mrs. O’Masta gave an overview of the procedure for questionable claims.  The Heart and Hypertension law was explained as well.

Building Inspections:  Mrs. Ross will check with Mr. Frampton of the Fire Marshall’s office for the summer building inspection list.  

Training:    None reported

Mr. Pendergast asked if the counselors should be trained on equipment used during the camp season.  Mrs. Ross will contact the Director and suggest that they do that.  

The next meeting will be held on October 1st, 2014.

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.

Carole Ross